Will my course be conducted online?

Yes. Your self-study lessons and live group sessions will take place online. Your course outline will provide all necessary links for each lesson. Your entire course can be completed in the comfort of your own home.

How much does Fluentopia's Jumpstart courses cost?

Current pricing for courses can be found here.

How does your Jumpstart courses teach?

We use a combination of group classes with live teachers, homework, and self-study activities aligned with the Mango Languages pedagogy.

Do I have to buy Mango Languages too?

We offer complimentary access to Mango Languages when you enroll in a Jumpstart course.

Reset Password

To reset your password, please visit this page.

I learned Spanish in school, will this be good for me?

The first Spanish Jumpstart course is designed for the absolute beginner. We are developing higher level courses as you read this!

What age range is your Jumpstart courses good for?

Because of the fast pace of these courses, we recommend ages 12+.

Who teaches the group sessions?

Seasoned teachers who are native speakers or highly fluent in the language, trained in the use of Fluentopia's learning methodology.

What if I miss a group session?

We strongly urge students to attend any classes that they've already scheduled. If you must miss a session, please follow the cancellation instructions included in the confirmation email you received for that particular session.